
September 14, 2014, category: Actions
Toronto – Presentation: What does Paradism mean for the future of Humanity?
September 25 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

What does “Paradism” means for the future of humanity?

  • Do you believe that something is wrong with the economic system we live in now?

  • Do you think it is possible to change it for the benefit of all?

  • Have you had enough of being required to work?

  • Would you like technology to free all of us from work?

Paradism allows humans to free themselves from labour and enjoy a better standard of life, thriving by living in a leisure society, with prevalence of the arts, sports, cooperation and collaboration.

Join us for this first presentation of a series of 3 (on various topics), on September 25th from 7:30pm to 9:00pm.

Presentation at the University of Toronto,
OISE building
252 Bloor Street west
Room 2-281

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