August 25, 2016, category: Actions

What is paradism?
Paradism is the system of society that seeks to maximise the freedom, the well-being and the happiness of the people and create a paradise for everyone.
Paradise is to have enough to live comfortably. Enough food, enough housing, enough healthcare, enough of the things that support the well-being and happiness of everyone.
Paradise is to be free. Free from oppression and control. Free from the enslavement of work and money.
Paradise is when everyone only does what they enjoy doing. People don't work, they engage themselves freely in activities they love and are passionate about like art, scientific research, meditation, sport and so on.
The people, by doing what they enjoy doing, do the very things that are necessary for their own well-being and happiness as well as the well-being and happiness of the whole society.
Paradism is what we have been heading towards since the start of the scientific age. Paradism is coming and, provided that we do not destroy ourselves first, it is inevitable, because it is brought about by the powerful forces of our most cherished desires. Everyone wants to be free, happy and healthy. Everyone wants to live in a paradise.
Paradism is the end result of the development of our technology that has relentlessly aimed at making our life easier and better. We have now reached the level of technology that can bring us abundance and liberate us from all forms of limitations and enslavement.
“If robots do all the work and if we share the abundance they produce, we can free humanity from the slavery of work and money, we can create a paradise on earth.” (see
The Vision
Our vision is to create a paradise on earth for everyone.
The Mission
Our mission is to build cities on every continent that will serve as the working templates for paradism to be modelled everywhere.
The Description
A paradist city is primarily designed to free the people from having to work and use money.
All the work is done by machines and everything is provided for free. The citizen will contribute voluntarily to the needs of the community and help create the art and the technology needed to maximise the freedom, the well-being and the happiness of the people. The citizen's artistic and technological creations are all made available for free within the city and could eventually be traded outside the city to acquire the desirable good and services offered by communities that have not embraced paradism.
The cities will be built to be sustainable. Enough farm lands surrounding the cities will provide food and building materials. The city will primarily provide all the basic needs for free (food, accommodation, healthcare) and a free and sustainable energy system. The cities will be built with the intent to provide free easy access to all places for all human activities (sport, entertainment, restaurants...)
The city will be entirely connected and an internet of things will supply all the information necessary for a supercomputer to administrate the city and answer to the needs of its citizens.
No shops are necessary thanks to a free driverless system of transportation and delivery of goods.
The city is to be administered by following the paradist guidelines expressed on The citizen, when inside the city, will not be controlled by any law but the natural law. These self-directed citizens will self-organise and naturally choose to follow the guidance of those they consider wise.
The city will have no police and no army. Humanity has lived most of its history without any police force. When let free, everyone becomes responsible for themselves, for their harmony and the harmony of the whole.
This project will require a great deal of innovations. We can compare it to the Manhattan project or sending the first astronauts to the moon. It is a project that will create a fantastic technological leap, not to create an apocalyptic bomb or enable a few men to walk on extraterrestrial soil, but to liberate the whole of humanity from ever having to work for a living. There is no higher purpose today than to liberate human beings from misery and enslavement.
This project will accelerate innovations, welcome and accommodate the innovators and directly propel the city as one of the high-tech capitals of the world.
The Population
The city will be designed to accommodate up to 500,000 people. This number will allow for the diversity of skills that are necessary for autonomy.
A platform will be created online allowing anyone to register and apply for citizenship. The criteria for citizenship will be defined by those who have applied.
The initial criteria being that those who contribute to the realisation of a city be granted citizenship. Priority and length of citizenship be given according to the level of contribution. The city is likely to attract the most creative and innovative people who will find in the city the support they need to realise their projects.
Already thousands of people over the five continents have expressed their support to paradism. A network of actively committed people is already in existence worldwide.
The Location
At least one city per continent. That is a minimum of seven cities.
The location must be attractive and isolated from other densely populated areas.
Enough land must surround the city to allow space for recreation and agriculture.
It must be located in a country that will grant, respect and protect the political and economical autonomy of the city.
In return, the country that will host a paradist city destined to become an artistic and technological hub will enjoy the prestige and the economical prosperity that hosting a new Silicon Valley will generate.
The Realisation
To create a city where citizens do not have to work and use money is today a technological possibility. There is almost nothing a human does that cannot be done faster and better by a machine. And if there is, the citizens will be willing to contribute voluntarily to the fulfilment of their needs. The guidelines for the realisation of the city can be summarised in one sentence. “A human being shouldn't have to do what a machine could do.” This guideline applies for everything the city and its citizens need.
Every city is to be designed by one planning, architectural and design team (the PAD team) so that it is pleasing to the eyes and will harmonise with its surroundings. Each city will require its own design response to its location, but they will all need to be quite dense and tall, perhaps even an arcology (a city in one building), so that it doesn't eat up the countryside. If everyone has a house with a small garden there will be no more countryside or it will take hours to go there, so our current models of city building are not appropriate.
The city will be built by the future citizens who will contribute in exchange for their citizenship. The construction will be as automated as much as current technology will allow and the development of such technologies will be an early focus of the project.
To have the citizens build their city will develop a sense of belonging and a community bonding that has no-equivalent. During the construction, the people will be trained and will develop skills that will be helpful for the maintenance, management and independence of the city. Food and accommodation will be given on site according to the resources and facilities available at the time.
The project is now welcoming everyone who wish to contribute to the realisation of a paradist city. A special platform will be created for the future citizens to register, propose and discuss ideas, select the best ones, call for participants and start their projects. It will be done in an open and transparent manner with a spirit of cooperation not competition.
Planners, architects and designers (urban designers, engineers, landscape architects, interior designers, etc. ) are welcome to send their proposals. Artists, inventors and programmers, professionals and technicians in any field, anyone with both a brain and a heart can start contributing at any level they wish.
“If it doesn't exist, create it. If there is no-one, be the one.”
Everyone is responsible to make it happen or not. Every action taken brings us closer to paradise.
The funding
A few examples of the cost of building an ultra-modern city from scratch:
- Jeddah Economic City (Saudi Arabia) cost $20 billions duration 3 years - New Songdo City (South Korea) cost $40 billions duration 10 years - Masdar City (Abu Dhabi UAE) cost $20 billions duration 8 years - King Abdullah Economic City (Saudi Arabia) cost $86 billions duration 10+ years - X-SEED 4000 (Japan) cost $0.6-1 trillons - Star City International - Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid (Japan) - Sky City 1000 (Japan)
Cost of hosting the Olympic games (including construction costs for athletic facilities, transportation infrastructure, and housing, and operational costs, see
- Sochi $51 billions
- Beijin $46 billions
What can significantly reduce the cost is the contribution from the citizens who will work benevolently provided they get their food and accommodation for free.
To feed and accommodate in a “comfortable” refugee camp style accommodation a population of 500,000 at $50 per day for a year is about $9 billions. With such a large amount of motivated people working together it will take between 3 to 5 years to actually build a city once the plans are approved.
Site location and acquisition followed by planning, architecture and design and approval of the plans for the first stages can take many months, so during this time research on invention and innovation in the construction, management, economy and sociology of paradist cities can be conducted.
If the energy and raw materials can be produced on site, they will not significantly affect the cost. If most of the equipment is also produced on site thanks to robots and 3D printing technologies the equipment cost can be much reduced. We should budget a significant sum (perhaps up to $3 billions) for the cost of building the first assembly line of multi-task robots and 3D printers as well as a bio-engineering plant. The operating and construction cost should then decrease every year at an accelerating rate as the robots start to do their work.
The pre-construction cost which involves the creation of a platform to register and organise the future citizens as well as site selection and the drawing of the city plans would amount to $50 millions per city.
Similar to the examples provided above, the total estimated cost would be $30 to $50 billions per city over a duration of 3 to 5 years once the plans have been approved.
The return on investment cannot be estimated. In fact, this project is the ultimate application of Chinese wisdom: "Do not give a man fish, teach him how to fish.” By providing the initial resources that are necessary to start (that includes feeding and accommodating the people for the first 3 to 5 years) on the condition they create a self-sufficient and sustainable environment for themselves, we have given them food and accommodation forever after. And in return, the entire world will benefit from all the artistic and technological creations this community will produce forever after. The benefits this initial investment will give to the whole world is therefore infinite.
The team
The team is the whole volunteer citizenry, but - as always - some organisation is required. In the initial phase, before any funding, the core team should consist of a planetary project manager and seven continental project managers, as follows:
- Planetary project manager: Jarel Aymonier
- Africa: Ditalamane Hébié
- Europe: Jean Pierre Saulnier
- North America: Andre Julien
- South America: David Uzal
- Asia: TBA
- Middle East: Steve Goldie
- Oceania: Jarel Aymonier
The Conclusion
The Paradist cities project is one of the most ambitious project humanity has ever undertaken and will certainly be the most rewarding. The outcome is not less than creating demonstration cities that will provide the working templates that will be able to be copied in every country to create a paradise on earth. The people who will live in the cities will have the highest quality of life, they will be free from misery and from having to work and earn money forever after. The paradist cities project will bring the greatest liberation in humanity history.
The cost compared to a war effort is ridiculously small, especially in comparison to the benefits the cities will bring to humanity. They will stimulate innovations and bring prosperity to the host nations. And while war brings only human suffering and the lowering of the quality of life, the paradist cities project will bring much needed hope for humanity.
There is no reason for any misery with the level of technology we have now.
Paradise is the only future for humanity.
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