May 1, 2018, category: Actions

International Paradism Day Celebrations on May 1st
On May 1st, the Paradist movements around the world will celebrate the 7th International day of Paradism.
"Paradism is the system of society without work and without money that allows the establishment of a true paradise" declares Jarel, leader of the Paradism Movement inspired by Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement.
"There is no reason to fall into poverty considering the level of technology we have now” says RAEL, the inspirational figure behind Paradism. “If robots do all the work and if we share the abundance they produce, we can free humanity from the slavery of work and money.”
"The technology that will free us from bondage through work and money is ready", added Jarel. "Our machines have learned to walk, talk and just begin to understand. They are ready to replace humans in all the activities that are necessary for our survival and fulfillment. No one therefore needs to work or to put oneself at the service of others to ensure one's survival."
The machines will be programmed to be our docile and dedicated servants and do the work necessary for the proper functioning of the whole society. They will repair all the damage done to the planet and positively contribute to the ecology and happiness of human beings.
When all the work will be given to robots, there will be no need for money. Everyone will be given for free all the comfort, health care and leisure they need.
But this paradise, this world of pleasure and abundance that is possible today thanks to science, will only be accessible to us through sharing.
Today those who own the means of production, the richest, grab the gains of productivity. The others see their purchasing power decrease as they lose their jobs. A labor-based wealth distribution system can not work in a society that is robotizing. It only accentuates inequalities.
It is a redistribution and a sharing of wealth such as the one advocated by Paradism that will help put an end to the revolts and wars and restore peace and social justice.
The message that will be spread by the paradists during the activities that will take place on May 1st is a great message of hope for humanity.
Paradism is coming and will transition a very unequal, divided and competing world in a world where all the parts of humanity interconnected collaborate to form a planetary civilization and live an era of peace, fulfillment and pleasures.
We have the technology to free us from forced labour, hunger and misery. We just miss a little more love between us to want to share. That is the condition to enter paradise.